So I made many deposits that were all below the $50 amount that would activate any deposit bonus(very much intentionally, eff their depo bonuses) so this means every deposit made had only the 1x wager requirement to make each deposit I made cleared for withdrawal once they were wagered 1x. So how is it that my last 9 or 10 deposits say their respective wager requirement hasnt even started yet when I have lost every penny from these every depo i made here? Support could literally not comprehend what I was saying and the problem I was trying to explain.
My BCD rakeback also has not been properly updated with what ive wagered this last week either. It was completely frozen for easily $1000+ of wagers I made and has since started moving again but even then its only credited my total with a fraction of what its supposed to as it has gone up a massive $0.06 since it froze on me. That 6 cents was on probably $400-500 in wager so whats that like 1/20th roughly of what should be reflected in my rakeback.
This is royally messed up especially since I couldnt claim the 1st deposit bonus last week for days after I made my qualifying deposit and when I DID finally get to claim said bonus, BC pulled out their middle fingers once again because they didnt give me the 1st deposit bonus but instead the Tuesday, Thursday deposit bonus instead. I only was given one lottery ticket instead of the 5 I was supposed to receive and I was given a whopping 0 free spins instead of the 100 free spins that i was supposed to receive as well.
I just let this straight bs switcheroo go at the time but in lieu of this weeks non-consentual wrecking of my account and experience I at least had to make it known as im sure I was not the only one. I mean its laughable to even say it but in my line of work if a customer has a valid complaint, at the very least we do everything we can to fix that problem asap or they would get their money back, or in the instance of them being very respectful, patient, and understanding that mistakes happen they would get compensated appropriately for the mistake as well as the courtesy given to the business. I think causing a scene rarely nets optimal results for any party involved but sometimes a customer will never be offered any compensation when the business is entirely at fault because thats how that business chooses to operate and treat its customers, so in those situations sometimes extending any courtesy is futile and the only way you are going to get anybody to actually help you is if you start yelling and screaming and maybe wreck some merchandise if necessary.
WELL............AM I BEING LOUD ENOUGH YET, BC?!?!?! Fix your broken pos site and get my wager fixed, please. Thank you for your time.
*Screenshot showing my depos still requiring their 1x playthrough is attached. My account has no balance in it, i busted every one of those depos.