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$4,000 Top Tier Roulette Challenge #15


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Congrats to all players involved! We had 81 valid entries & all prizes were sent via private message on BC Forum – Check more details below.  


Top 81 Participants

Ranking Username Prize
1st 🥇 Erifyli $500
2nd 🥈 bassabar $250
3rd 🥉 Hoya_ $150
4th 🏅 Slasher041 $100
5th 🏅 Satoshimaker $50
6th 🏅 Nymphetamine $50
7th 🏅 Incocknito $50
8th 🏅 🌸nica19🇵🇭 $50
9th 🏅 Nashka $50
10th 🏅 Nocochi $50
11th 🏅 BCGAMES2 $9.86
12th 🏅 Huypolyme $9.86
13th 🏅 KG562 $9.86
14th 🏅 Betmin $9.86
15th 🏅 Juan28 $9.86
16th 🏅 MARY.BC.GAME🇵🇭 $9.86
17th 🏅 LemaK $9.86
18th 🏅 jhonncueva $9.86
19th 🏅 RORY $9.86
20th 🏅 Beautiful_day $9.86
21st 🏅 BigBadGonaGetcha $9.86
22nd 🏅 Jerhole $9.86
23rd 🏅 kevinxdeee $9.86
24th 🏅 luckypankaj $9.86
25th 🏅 Mkulet $9.86
26th 🏅 selena42 $9.86
27th 🏅 Arnold12 $9.86
28th 🏅 DineroBit $9.86
29th 🏅 Monstrous Eberto $9.86
30th 🏅 W0NGA $9.86
31st 🏅 winsk3y $9.86
32nd 🏅 yellowstone $9.86
33rd 🏅 Oppsad9 $9.86
34th 🏅 badz $9.86
35th 🏅 Unlim $9.86
36th 🏅 _r_0_w3_n_4_ $9.86
37th 🏅 O-0 $9.86
38th 🏅 Sparsh2020 $9.86
39th 🏅 Bullshittery1 $9.86
40th 🏅 Naughy11 $9.86
41st 🏅 Gekddy $9.86
42nd 🏅 figereyewb $9.86
43rd 🏅 prats12345 $9.86
44th 🏅 Aamir511 $9.86
45th 🏅 EMEN3M $9.86
46th 🏅 Elpresidente $9.86
47th 🏅 CivicMe $9.86
48th 🏅 Spritz $9.86
49th 🏅 C3C3 $9.86
50th 🏅 LemmeWin $9.86
51st 🏅 MaksatMe $9.86
52nd 🏅 yllaeR $9.86
53rd 🏅 NoWins $9.86
54th 🏅 B0unty $9.86
55th 🏅 Lovel11 $9.86
56th 🏅 rasmus1234 $9.86
57th 🏅 Annealex $9.86
58th 🏅 Kristalina $9.86
59th 🏅 martwin $9.86
60th 🏅 alwaysgood $9.86
61st 🏅 HavABreak127 $9.86
62nd 🏅 Mugen $9.86
63rd 🏅 uno1989_suicide $9.86
64th 🏅 OhNoooo $9.86
65th 🏅 NORNMAn $9.86
66th 🏅 Jackyjacky $9.86
67th 🏅 Wine $9.86
68th 🏅 nicejade1628 $9.86
69th 🏅 Player987 $9.86
70th 🏅 carmeliaa $9.86
71st 🏅 loading1699 $9.86
72nd 🏅 ABJ $9.86
73rd 🏅 Priyanshu123 $9.86
74th 🏅 winit $9.86
75th 🏅 justin12 $9.86
76th 🏅 Txcseqexgeblek $9.86
77th 🏅 thiago18 $9.86
78th 🏅 SementoSaMatafwb $9.86
79th 🏅 sarkowi $9.86
80th 🏅 rhermie $9.86
81st 🏅 Almaryoww $9.86

Thank you to all who took part in our Top Tier Roulette Challenge #15! Don't forget to join our other Challenges, give it a try here😉

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